Step1: User regestiration page
To access the system, the user should register by providing required details such as e-mail, username and password should be eight characters in length, contain both upper and lowecase alphabetic and have at least one special character (!@#$%&-+=). After the users register to the application they will recive an email that has a pin to write “the pin is multi facter authication ”
Step2: User login page
After registration, user should login into the application using the username and password with the PIN will be provided automatically recived it from the email, and start using the application to encrypt the image.
Step3: Image Selection:
User must select a color image with JPEG type that also known as JPG to converted to stego-image. The application will calculate the pixels and how many bits inside the cover image. Based on the calculation, the user will know how many characters he/she can type in the text .
Step4: Enter secret text.
Step5: Insert Public key and predefined key:
User should write the Public and predefined key that the sender and reciver already agreed on. After that, XOR the Public and predefined key to make it more secure. Both keys should be the same length
Step6: Encrypt the text and Convert into binary.
The text will be divided into blocks of same size as the AES 256 bits key and then each block will be encrypted then convert it into binary.
Step7: Using LSB algorithm.
- The application will read the secret massege which is to be embedded in to the cover image.
- Using Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW) method to compress the secret message into cipher text by using secret key
- Replace LSB of cover image pixels with each bit of secret message one by one. Based on the calculation, the user will know how many characters he/she can type.
- In the cover image calculate LSB of each pixel.
- Continue the procedure until the end of the secret message is fully hidden into cover.
- Write a stego-image
Text steganography reciver
Step1: User login to decryption page:
User should login into the application using the username and password with the PIN will be provided automatically recived it from the email, and start using the application to decrypt the image.
Step2: Image Selection:
User must select an color image with JPEG type that also known as JPG to converted to stego-image. that he/she received.
Step3: Insert Public key and predefined key:
User should write the Public and predefined key that the sender and reciver already agreed on.
Step4: Using Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW) method to decompress the secret message.
Step5: Convert the binary decrypt the text.
Step6: Output secret text:
Display the text to the reciver.